Kiwi Quinoa - Scene.jpg

to Kiwis

After travelling through South America and noting the quinoa-growing regions of Peru bore quite a resemblance to home, the seed was planted for Dan and Jacqui to try and be the first to grow quinoa in New Zealand! The winning combo of a pioneering farmer who was eager to try something new, and an agronomist passionate about health and food (along with sheer hard work and determination!) has led to Kiwi Quinoa thriving in Taihape and in stores throughout New Zealand. 

The taste of Kiwi Quinoa is distinct. Its nutty, wholegrain, unprocessed taste and texture is authentic to how and where it’s grown. The team at Kiwi Quinoa approached us with a brief to completely revamp their identity. They wanted it to not only capture the naturally unmistakable taste and texture, but feel distinctively kiwi. 

With provenance needing to play a pivotal role in the design, we have hand-crafted a new logo that married the Kiwi and the Quinoa together! We have nested this perky little kiwi in situ with stylised food photography that feels naturally scrumptious. As a result, the new design speaks to the brand’s Kiwi connections in a simple and uncomplicated way whilst celebrating the delicious and versatile potential of the product.

Kiwi Quinoa Logo.jpg
Kiwi Quinoa Hands.jpg
Kiwi Quinoa Hands copy.jpg
Kiwi Quinoa Packs.jpg
Kiw Quinoa- Before & After.jpg
